Blog / Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Selling Luxury Property

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Selling Luxury Property

Mar 26, 2015   •   3 min read   •   Marketing Ideas

When you buy a luxury product, it’s not just the product itself that’s higher quality than its lower-priced competitors, but the packaging, the store that you purchase it from, and the experience itself.

While the fundamental aspect of marketing a luxury product are the same as those involved in marketing an average product, everything from the retail store itself to the paper used in marketing materials is of a distinctly higher level of quality.

This reality is the same in real estate. When you’re marketing a luxury home, your marketing materials –from real estate postcards to photography – needs to be of a higher standard than what you’d use to market a regular home.

Use low quality marketing materials and your target audience will believe the home you’re selling isn’t high quality, no matter how luxurious it might look in the images you use to promote it.

Here are three factors that you should keep in mind when designing and printing real estate direct mail pieces and other marketing materials for luxury properties.


Hire a professional photographer to take fantastic photos

There are two ways to market a home: as a commodity, where the exact number of bedrooms and square footage of the home are the biggest factors in determining its value, and as a luxury home, where the experience the home offers is more valuable.

Because of this, it’s important that your marketing reflects the experience of living inside the home you’re marketing. Photos from your smartphone might look good enough to display a home, but they don’t deliver the experience of living there.

Hire a professional photographer to photograph the luxury home you’re marketing so that prospects don’t just see the home, but understand the type of experience it has to offer.


Consider using panoramic postcards to market a large property

When you’re marketing a compact apartment or small home, you usually don’t need much space to capture the home’s character. When you’re marketing a large home, it helps to have some more space to show off its land or numerous impressive rooms.

If you’re marketing a large property that needs more than the typical three to four photographs, consider using a larger postcard size – for example, jumbo real estate marketing postcards – so that you can include bigger, more detailed photographs.

Properties with a lot of land or panoramic views usually need a wider paper size to look their best. Use a panoramic postcard size if you’re marketing a property with a great view or large yard that you think could be a major selling point.


Use a heavier paper stock instead of thin, inexpensive paper

There’s more to marketing a luxury property than just the visuals. The paper stock you use for your direct mail postcards, brochures and other marketing materials is just as important in projecting a luxurious image as the photos you include.

High-ticket items such as luxury property have a different sales cycle to inexpensive commodities. Instead of targeting a wide audience as part of a short sales cycle, you need to target a smaller, more defined audience as part of a longer sales cycle.

Because of this, it’s far more effective to spend more on each individual postcard or brochure and target a smaller audience. A heavier paper stock might cost more, but it allows you to deliver a much more effective message to your target audience.

First impressions matter, especially when marketing a luxury property. Invest in a heavier paper stock and your real estate postcards will have a far greater effect on the audience you’re marketing each property to.

Learn more about your paperstock options here.

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