Blog / Marketing to Millennials

Marketing to Millennials

May 26, 2015   •   1 min read   •   Marketing Ideas

If you think that direct mail is only for the baby boomers, you’re mistaken. There’s an open opportunity to reach young people, specifically Gen Y, (people born between 1980 and 2000) through direct mail and studies have shown that young people are increasingly more responsive to this method of marketing.

The oversaturated email and social media marketing that Gen Y was brought up with has resulted in them tuning out digital advertisements and perceiving postcards and direct mail as refreshing and unexpected. Discover why Gen Y is a wonderful target audience for your real estate postcard campaign.


At this point, most Gen Y, also known as millennials, have graduated or will soon be graduating from college, starting their careers, and looking for their first home. This demographic is so digitally connected that email marketing campaigns fill their inbox daily, and this can make it hard for you and your real estate business to stand out among the clutter. According to Direct Marketing News, 33% of millennials get print deals from direct mail pieces and an astonishing 90% of these young people will share their findings with others. This makes for a wonderful opportunity for you to reach an unsaturated market that is likely to share your postcard and tell their friends about you and your offer.


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