Blog / 6 Ways to Incorporate Brochures Into Your Marketing Strategy

6 Ways to Incorporate Brochures Into Your Marketing Strategy

Oct 19, 2022   •   3 min read   •   Marketing Ideas

Brochures have stood the test of time as a valuable tool in any organization’s branding toolkit. Brochures are effective in a wide variety of situations, for a number of audiences, and they’re well worth considering when crafting a marketing strategy for your organization.

How do you go about marketing your business or brand?
Below are 6 ways you can incorporate brochures into your marketing strategy.



After you’ve met with a new prospect or business lead, leave them with an organizational brochure that details how your products and services can help them, along with a few customer reviews. And don’t forget to include website and contact information so they can reach out to you if they’re interested.

Having a brochure on hand encourages new prospects to make informed decisions about working with your company or using your services. It can save them some steps when they begin their own research online and helps solidify your brand, building on the initial impression you made.


For those with a retail shop or other physical location, leave a few brochures at the cash register or front desk so people can take them as they walk out the door.

Bonus points if your business can include a special offer or discount on the front page of the brochure to capture attention.

Media Fact Sheet

When you have an in-person opportunity to introduce your brand to relevant reporters, a media fact sheet in the form of a brochure is a great way to make a memorable connection.

There is no one right way to design a media fact sheet, but a few common components are:

  • A letter of introduction
  • A brief, factual description of your company and products/services.
  • A list of frequently asked questions
  • A list of your company’s key executives and their respective titles.

You might also consider including metrics demonstrating the impact of your goods or services, since that can be a great way to present your organization in a visual manner.


Brochures work incredibly well at events or trade shows.

If your company has a booth, your staff or sales people can engage with passersby to build interest in your product or services, giving your audience something that they will be able to take home with them.  

In-person presentations or meetings

If you frequently attend conferences or events where you are speaking or leading a workshop, it’s a good idea to bring along brochures to pass out either before or during the presentation.

The brochure could include a “worksheet” in your company’s branding that goes along with an activity during the presentation, or it could simply be an overview of your company or organization. Tangible, visual cues work well to engage your audience during the presentation.

Direct mail

Brochures can also be just the unique, attention-grabbing piece to send in a direct mail campaign. Consider sending brochures to your ideal target audience through direct mail, which means you can print as many or as little as you want and send them to the exact people you want to engage with your piece.

For these reasons (and more), you should consider brochures as a means to elevate the goals and objectives of your business, organization, or nonprofit. After designing your brochure, make sure to select the appropriate printer and mailing service to ensure all your campaigns are a success!

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