Re-posted from Deliver Magazine, June 2012 issue
Question: “What other marketing channels do you mix with direct mail, and why?”
Daniel Ocner
Director, Strategic Planning & Development, MediaMorphosis
The most effective channels to mix with direct mail are DRTV and e-mail marketing. Direct mail is ideal for allowingcustomers to feel comfortablewith an offer. However, startingwith a DRTV campaign canincrease awareness and leadto targeted prospects investingmore time in reading the mailing.It also can spur individuals whodidn’t respond immediatelyto go back and review it. On theother hand, e-mail marketing cangive an effective heads-up towatch for a mail offer, as well asto remind customers to respondbefore an expiration date.
Aimée Dodson
Comptroller, New American Mortgage
We start with relationships nurtured by the excellent work of our sales team and fortify them with ongoing direct mail campaigns. We use social media as well as QuantumDigital’s automated mailing program to schedule a different mail piece each month. We can choose what mortgage product and message to feature and the exact audience for which that product is relevant. These extremely targeted efforts, combined with effective, personal follow-up, equal success for us. In 2011, we mailed 320,000 pieces, which resulted in a 480-percent return on investment.
Suzie Brown
Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Valassis
Digital is becoming bigger for us, as deals and savings are now a part of consumers’ regular shopping experience, and we expect digital deals will continue to evolve. They are gaining attention in the media and among consumers as interest in deal seeking increases. Just as consumers are exploring new ways to get a deal, marketers also are testing various methods to attract today’s shopper. There will continue to be a blend of traditional and new media as consumers seek value how, when and where they want. There is room for everyone in the media mix, depending on marketers’ objectives.
No matter the size of your business, you may find that direct mail postcards offer a cost-effective way to enhance your existing marketing strategy and make it more effective.