real estate marketing Articles

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real estate agent giving a house image to a buyer
Trust Us… It’s Something You Want to Do

Many agents are interested in customer relationship management (CRM) and how to either implement it or better utilize their current software as part of an overall real estate marketing strategy. If you aren’t riding the CRM bandwagon, it’s time to hop on! The time and dollar investment in CRM has proven to be well worth it. According to one analysis, the average return for CRM is $8.71 for every dollar spent, a continued trend of increasing return since 2011.

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How to Effectively Grow Your Real Estate Busines

At some point in your career as a real estate agent, you’re going to enter into a somewhat unknown market or neighborhood with prospects that may have never seen your face or heard of your name. How can you engage with that new audience and get new listings without them first knowing who you are?

The answer is -- you can't! Real estate marketing is crucial to building your business. Potential clients have to get to know you before ultimately turning to you as their advocate when they make the decision to buy or sell a home.

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organizational tools for real estate agents banner image

The applications and platforms that will streamline your day and make you more productive.

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interconnected gears demonstrating marketing automation for real estate agents

We’re all busy. Real estate agents, certainly, have a lot to keep up with, including work with current clients as well as maintaining relationships with prospects. As your real estate business grows, it’s important to streamline important but time-consuming or tedious tasks wherever possible. And in 2019, marketing automation will be more important than ever. 

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real estate direct mail marketing still useful for agents

As the real estate industry continues to embrace digital marketing, from Facebook ad targeting to live videos, blogs to email newsletters, agents have more ways than ever to quickly connect with current clients as well as leads, which begs the question -- is it still worthwhile for agents to invest in direct mail marketing?

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Tips for Taking Quality Real Estate Marketing Photos

In real estate, an image can make or break a home's likelihood to sell. It's your job to help paint the property in the best light by marketing high-quality, attractive photos. But you don't have to invest in a professional photographer to secure great shots of the home -- real estate photography isn't difficult to do yourself, if you know a few essential tricks.

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real estate agent using facebook live streaming
When you think of using video marketing to boost your real estate brand, what emotion comes to mind? Intimidation? Caution? Is video marketing worth the time investment. Are tangible results?
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nextdoor real estate how agents can break into a neighborhood

To stay relevant and meaningfully engage with prospective clients, it’s important for agents to embrace where their audience is. Nextdoor is one such platform continuing to gain adoption. Here, we’ll explore the pros and cons of business and personal accounts for agents, and how agents can utilize all of Nextdoor’s features to their ultimate advantage when connecting with prospective clients.

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real estate agent creating a deeper connection with clients
It’s All About Forging Lasting Relationships

One important aspect of marketing yourself as an agent, one that you may not have even considered, is your interpersonal communications with clients -- the way in which you interact with them using verbal and nonverbal cues, whether that’s in-person or on the phone or through email. These interactions can make or break your client relationships and ultimately the probability of a successful listing or home purchase.

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offline and online marketing for real estate agents

In the digital age, it can be tempting to solely focus on your online agent presence when marketing your services. But consumers expect consistent digital and offline experiences, and agents that use fully integrated methods like QuantumDigital's TriggerMarketing and TriggerMarketing Social will receive the benefits of interested, diverse leads from multiple channels.

Watch our video to learn more.